Knight Removals


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About the company

Based in the heart of Weymouth, Knight Removals provides services both locally and nationally. We are very proud of our reputation and always aim to provide the best moving experience for all customers, big and small. At Knight Removals we know how important it is for customers to have confidence in the company that is moving their belongings so we make sure our people are the best. Our removal team are knowledgeable, professional and efficient.

Project images

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2 reviews
Customer service
Value for money
10 1 10 2
These reviews are written by consumers who requested a quote via our platform. All reviews that meet our content guidelines will be published.
Moving to new Flat
Reviewed by Joanne waring on Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 19:34:02
10 10 1
Knight Removals

Just wow. From start to finish . Couldn't have been more helpful. Just an amazing service . So helpful and no job was too small . Thankyou so much you made my move go so smoothly. Highly recommended.

Customer service
Value for money
Great movers
Reviewed by Melita on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 20:13:53
10 10 1
Knight Removals

Great experience, arrived as expected. Everything moved and then put where I wanted it in new house.

Customer service
Value for money


How did you start your business?

The company has not yet answered this question.

What makes your services standout?

Knight Removals are fully insured. Goods in transit insurance to £20,000 is offered on all standard quotes. If you feel your belongings are worth more than this then talk to one of our team. We can offer a bespoke insurance service to meet your needs.

What is your top advice for your customers?

Label your boxes – We suggest each box is clearly labelled using a marker pen with the name of the room where it should go in your new property. This will enable us to place your boxes in the appropriate room when unloading and will avoid having to open boxes to find out what they contain.

What makes your services standout? Knight Removals are fully insured. Goods in transit insurance to £20,000 is offered on all standard quotes. If you feel your belongings are worth more than this then talk to one of our team. We can offer a bespoke insurance service to meet your needs.
What is your top advice for your customers? Label your boxes – We suggest each box is clearly labelled using a marker pen with the name of the room where it should go in your new property. This will enable us to place your boxes in the appropriate room when unloading and will avoid having to open boxes to find out what they contain.

Company location

Knight Removals

Unit 13 Cambridge Road Trade Park
Cambridge Road
United Kingdom

Knight Removals address Knight Removals address
GB Weymouth Unit 13 Cambridge Road Trade Park Cambridge Road DT4 9TJ

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